AI-Assisted Financial Analysis
Spring 2025


Kerry Back
J. Howard Creekmore Professor of Finance and Professor of Economics

Teaching Assistant

Anthony Zdrojewski
soon-to-be Assistant Professor of Finance, TCU

Meeting Schedule

McNair 214
TTh 12:30 – 2:00
3/18/2025 – 4/24/2025

Course Description

This course builds on the knowledge gained in the core finance and applied finance courses and provides additional practice in applying the concepts learned there. It also provides an introduction to python and to using generative AI. No prior experience with AI or python is needed.

The “AI” in “AI-Assisted” in the course title refers to generative AI. AI more broadly defined includes machine learning, which has been used in finance for many years for default prediction, fraud detection, stock selection, and other things. We will touch on machine learning in this course, but the emphasis is on generative AI (OpenAI, Claude, Gemini, etc.)

Generative AI is directly useful in finance for text analysis. For example, generative AI is used to assess the sentiment of earnings calls, to analyze changes from year-to-year in text sections of 10k’s, etc. However, most financial analyses are numerical, and generative AI cannot be trusted to do numerical analysis on its own. Generative AI predicts the next “token” (word, number, subword, …) in a sequence based on its training. It has a high probability of making errors in any complicated numerical analysis.

To do numerical analysis with generative AI, we need the numerical calculations to be executed by trustworthy software that is controlled by the text generated by the AI. In this class, we will use generative AI in conjunction with python. The AI will write the python code that performs the numerical analysis. The platform that we will use is It is a wrapper around several LLMs (large language models) including, at this time, GPT 4o, Claude Sonnet 3.5, and Gemini 2.0. Instructions entered through the chat window are wrapped in Julius’ custom instructions and routed to one of the LLMs (you can choose which or use the default). If the instruction requires coding, then the LLM will return code, and Julius’ servers will run the code to produce what was requested. If the code has an error, which happens to everyone, including LLMs, then the Julius servers will automatically send the error message to the LLM to parse the message and improve the code. The end result is usually successful execution of the instruction. Depending on the nature of the output, it can be saved as an Excel file, Word doc, JPEG, etc.

This is a project-based course. We will create Julius workflows to estimate betas, do retirement planning, analyze financial statements, optimize portfolios, perform mutual fund performance evaluation, produce capital budgeting analyses, analyze options, and perform credit risk assessment. Time will be alloted to build workflows in class.

Assignments and Grading

Grades will be based on weekly assignments and on class participation. Assignments are due on Wednesdays by 11:59 p.m. Late assignments will not be accepted unless there is a significant and documented medical event. Except for Assignment 2, each assignment due date is at least 1 week after the topic is covered in class. All assignments other than Assignment 2 require submitting a link to a Julius workflow. Assignment 2 is a capital budgeting case that you should be able to do based on what you learned in the core finance and applied finance courses. The purpose of Assigment 2 in this course is to provide a foundation for studying AI-assisted capital budgeting the following week.

Course Schedule

Date Activity
Tue, Mar 18 Estimating betas
Thur, Mar 20 Fama-French model and performance evaluation
Tue, Mar 25 Retirement planning simulation
Wed, Mar 26 Assignment 1 due: performance evaluation (Julius workflow)
Thur, Mar 27 Portfolio optimization
Tue, Apr 1 Financial statement analysis
Wed, Apr 2 Assignment 2 due: Sneaker 2013 (Excel upload)
Thur, Apr 3 Sentiment analysis
Tue, Apr 8 Capital budgeting
Wed, Apr 9 Assignment 3 due: financial statement analysis (Julius workflow)
Thur, Apr 10 Capital budgeting
Tue, Apr 15 Web scraping
Wed, Apr 16 Assignment 4 due: capital budgeting (Julius workflow)
Thur, Apr 17 Option analysis
Tue, Apr 22 Intro to machine learning
Wed, Apr 23 Assignment 5 due: portfolio optimization (Julius workflow)
Thur, Apr 24 Machine learning for credit risk analysis

Signing up for Julius provides a 50% academic discount. Sign up for a free account, then send an email using your Rice email account to and ask for the academic discount. They will respond with a promo code to use. The Lite account ($8 per month after discount) allows 250 messages per month and may be ok. It is unlikely that will be enough, but you could try it. If the message limit becomes binding, you can switch to the Standard account ($18 per month after discount), which allows unlimited messages. Everything is run in the cloud from a web browser, so there is no software to download.

Honor Code

The Rice University honor code applies to all work in this course. Each student must do his or her own assignments, but students are allowed and in fact encouraged to seek advice from each other. Use of generative AI is of course permitted.

Disability Accommodations

Any student with a documented disability requiring accommodations in this course is encouraged to contact me outside of class. All discussions will remain confidential. Any adjustments or accommodations regarding assignments or the final exam must be made in advance. Students with disabilities should also contact Disability Support Services in the Allen Center.